Residential Living

In March 2016, after months of hard work, we opened our first residential home. This was a very big and exciting step for OWL Unlimited. In August 2018 we opened a second group home. We have been able to provide homes with the best of care for our OWLS along with adding more staff to our program and providing more jobs for our community. We currently have ten of our OWLS living in our residential homes who are loving their homes. They are involved with everything including meal planning, grocery shopping, preparing meals, house cleaning, and laundry all with assistance from our staff. 

In our group homes, our participates live, work, cook, and play games together, just like one big family.

Our participants work side by side with our Direct Care Providers to prepare the meals they eat. They help with planning, grocery shopping, meal prep, cooking, and cleaning up. They get to help decide what they are going to eat. Our participants really enjoy helping in the kitchen and working on their cooking skills. It helps give them a sense of accomplishment. 

Our clients really enjoying cooking and baking. From homemade tortillas and cinnamon rolls to soups and stew!

Many hands make light work!


Copyright O.W.L Unlimited